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121' X 34' X 18.8' Tugboat

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All steel, welded, triple deck, twin screw, diesel powered, offshore towboat w/ aluminum raised push house.

 Year Built: 1971

 4000 HP: Two (2) Alco-12-251-C 2050HP ea.

 Reduction Gears: Lufkin RSQ3620 5.6:1 Ratio

 Propellors: Two (2) 4-Blade 132"x 95"

 Speed: 13 Knots

 Fuel Capacity: 110,400 Gallons

 Water Capacity: 6,100 Gallons

 Lube Oil Capacity: 2,700 Gallons

 Electronics: Gyro compass w/Auto Pilot, 3 Radars, Single Side Band w/encoder, 8 VHFs, 2 AIS

2 GPSs, 2 Loud hailers, 2 Cellular phones, 1 Satellite phone w/fax, 1 Fathometer,

Email capabilities & Data reports, Weather Fax, Navtex, 2 Magnetic Compasses,

2 Navigation computers w/ Nobeltech Admiral & Maptech Chart Navigator software,

Nobeltech daily worldwide weather forecast graphics, 2 ship's business computers

 Elevated Control Tower: Height of Eye-49 feet

Towing Winch: Skagit DTW50 w/2500'x2" tow wire ea. drum. 250,000 lbs. line pull with Detroit Diesel 8V-71 tow winch motor.

 Bollard Pull: 126,000 lbs.

 Gross Tons: 196 Tons

 Net Tons: 133 Tons



This vessel has towed a barge several times loaded with rice and beans, approx. 12,000 metric tons, to Haiti and Africa. It averages 8.5 knots and burns around 2800 gals of fuel/day. The boat has the  ability to tow fast and burn very little fuel when compared to an EMD boat. A great value!! 


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